Mobile Healthcare Platform

    Commercial and Social Impact Driven

    NENO is a Social Enterprise (Basic) providing mobile healthcare services to customers and beneficiaries. We are driven by home visit, outreach and empowerment of targeted beneficiaries in Malaysia.
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NENO About Us



Elderly Population

3.6 Million (11.1%)

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Ageing Population by 2030

It is anticipated that by 2050, Malaysia’s population aged above 65 will be more than 15%, qualifying Malaysia as an aged nation.  

This socio-demographic changes will result in us seeing more and more people spend on healthcare and stepping into the role of family caregivers by providing long-term support to their seniors during their recovery and care journey.  Some of 16.3 million or 66.2% of Malaysian working adults might assume dual role and juggle between work and caring for their loved one.  

In other situation, there were already 23% or 538,000 of 2.4 million senior citizens suffered from the Empty Nest syndrome, feeling lonely and sad because they are staying on their own, away from their children.

Reference:  DOSM July 2022, Key Findings Report : 5th Malaysian Population and Family Survey (2014)

Person With Disability

3.6 Million (11.1%)

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Each Person with Disability Count

It is reported that 1 in 4 Malaysian adults experience functional difficulties in one or more of the following domains: seeing, hearing, remembering, walking, self-care and communicating.

Meanwhile, workforce participation among working-age Malaysians with disabilities is low, with approximately 4,500 workers in public and private sectors as of 2018, which is barely 1% of the number of registered persons with disabilities in the country.

Disability data is more than just numbers.  Behind the numbers are the life stories of persons with disabilities.  Each story contributes to our understanding of the disability experience and the changes necessary to eliminate all barriers in our society, whether physical or social environment.

Reference:  2019 National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS)

Rural Population

1.9 Million (23.4%)

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Healthcare Accessibility

92% of the Malaysian population now have access to health services within 3km of where they live and in East Malaysia, more than 50% of the rural population have access to health services within a 5 km radius from their residence.  

Thanks to Ministry of Health, since 1970s, Malaysia has emphasized accessibility to healthcare and built a network of primary healthcare clinics around the country. However, differences in health status continue to exist between urban and rural populations.

Healthcare services needs to be more accessible and available with innovative ways of engaging with communities and making healthcare more accessible and available to achieve quality healthcare for rural communities living in rural areas. 

Reference:  Department of Statistics Malaysia, December 2022, Borneo Epidemiology Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 2020 

Informal Care

1.8 Million (5.7%)

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Endemic: Catalyst for Healthcare & Social Care

A survey shows that 1.8 million of Malaysian population provided informal care to their loved ones.  Informal care is referred to caregiver or family carer who are unpaid, untrained and under-appreciated.  

In caring for the elderly, these informal caregivers frequently disregard their own needs. Considerable research conducted in Malaysia has revealed that their care-giving responsibilities had impacted their emotional, financial, social and / or physical well-being.

Hence, they are in significant need of social support to help them deal with care-giving tasks and responsibilities. Additionally, to look caregiving or caring for others as a new (and emerging) profession. 

Reference:  2019 National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS)


Our Vision

Healthcare For All:  Everyone & Everywhere

Our Mission

To become Malaysia's preferred mobile healthcare platform accessible for all those in need by 2050.

Our Objectives

  • To close the gaps in healthcare accessibility in Malaysia by connecting healthcare and social care services and providers closer to clients, beneficiaries and communities via home visit and outreach. 
  • To empower  healthcare and social care providers through training, certification and gig opportunities.
  • To educate the public as the change agent towards healthy living and healthy ageing society. 
  • To cross-collaborate and build long term engagement with government, corporates, academia and communities in delivering impact. 
  • To digitalize the home healthcare ecosystem by implementing e-Healthcare Record and Tele-Health Monitoring.

Our Values

  • Accessible - Services within Reach
  • Inclusive - No One Left Behind
  • Sustainable - Aim for Growth
  • Innovative - New Way of Doing Things
  • Care - For Those In Need

Our Logo

The Name

You might have heard an emergency alarm coming from an ambulance.  

Yes, Neno is derived from the wailing sounds of the ambulance sirens 'nenonenoneno'.  Hence, the name of our services to you.

The Brand Mark

  • This logo brings the concept of playfulness.
  • ​The brand mark, which is also as substitute of the letter 'O', is made of a blood cell to signify the brand relation to human body. 
  • A tire movement to imply urgency, and a crescent to imply healthcare.

The Colour Scheme

  • Light blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, and intelligence.
  • Red means strength, power, determination and love.
  • White usually relates to cleanliness, purity and safety.


NENO is recognised and registered as one of Social Enterprise (Basic) under Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC) of Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives of Malaysia (MEDAC)NENO can be accessed in MaGIC Alumni Directory here.


NENO eCommerce
NENO Medicare

Home Medical Care Services

NENO Buddy

Home Care and Companion Services

Neno Therapy

Home Therapy Services

Survey and book our end-to-end mobile healthcare services in our eCommerce site.

Survey and book our end-to-end mobile healthcare services in our eCommerce site.


Health Outreach

Empower B40 Caregiver

Public Training & Advocacy


Medical Care Services

Neno Medicare allows care recipients to receive pre and post hospitalisation medical assistance from healthcare personnel comfortably at your own place.

Doctor Tele-Consultation

Doctor Home Visit

Home Nursing Procedure

Home Blood Test


Home Care and Companion Services

Neno Buddy provides assistance to care recipients for assisted living and to support both care recipient and care giver's physical, emotional and mental health wellness. 

Nursing Care & Home Care

Home & Health Companion

Home Caregiving Training



Home Therapy Services

This home therapy services are provided as an alternative practice to healthcare to assist and expedite the recovery of care recipients at home and at healthcare centers. 

Home Physiotherapy

Home Speech Therapy

Home Malay Traditional Massage

Home Occupational Therapy


On-Site / Community Healthcare Services

We can come to you on-site or at your community to provide community healthcare services.  You may also consult us to request for customization of group healthcare services.

Medical Event Coverage

Group Blood Testing

Group Health Screening

Mental Health Program


Client Care is our highest priority. We're here to answer all your questions / inquiries via RFQ, FAQ, Tele-Consultation and 12/5 Direct Chat via WhatsApp.

Our Rates

Click to view full details and book care services.

Doctor Home Visit

In-Person Care / Follow-Up Assessment, Diagnosis and Consultation by Medical Doctor 

from RM250

Health Education to care recipient and caregiver

from RM250

Health Education to care recipient and caregiver

from RM250
Home Blood Test

Sample / Specimen Requirement by Certified Medical Personnel

from RM340

Advise end-to-end healthcare treatment plan to include medical, allied health and social support services.

from RM340

Book and meet doctor for 20 minutes call time

from RM150

Trained and qualified companion to assist in patient mobility

from RM200

Assist in 14 Activities of Daily Living (Diapers Change, Bathing, Grooming, Wuduk for Muslim)

from RM200
Mobility Service

Ambulance & Wheelchair Accessible Van

from RM200

Assist in 14 Activities of Daily Living (Diapers Change, Bathing, Grooming, Wuduk for Muslim)

from RM2800

Trained and qualified companion to assist patient at home

from RM200

Helping care recipient at home to develop, recover and improve in regards to a condition or injury, as well as maintain the skills needed to execute daily activities

from RM500

Treatment and prevention of communication and swallowing disorders

from RM550

Service is provided by Certified Malay Traditional Massage Therapist with Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) Level 3 for Wellness, Injury and Stroke

from RM230

Home Physiotherapy by Certified and Qualified Physiotherapist

from RM500

We are driven by SDGs. Know more about what Neno does to ensure that there's no one is being left behind in getting access to healthcare and social care assistance.






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