Mobile Healthcare Platform

    How Do Neno Works  |   Features     Benefits  

    Neno offers a variety of advantages over traditional inpatient care, including cost-effectiveness, convenience, flexibility, comfort and quality.

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Clients & Customers How NENO Works


Free Consultation
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Service Location

1.  Book & Pay Online

Visit our eCommerce to survey mobile healthcare services and its prices. You may do partial deposit payment to confirm the booking.  

2.  Booking is Confirmed

NENO Health Administration will be contacting you at soonest to further understand your needs and proceed with resource coordination.

3.  Service Fulfillment

We match you with certified healthcare and trained social care provider to your home, on-site or at your community.  eHealthcare record is shared to you once the service is completed. 

4.  Free Consultation

Are you still unsure of which service to book for your loved ones? Or are you looking to discuss service / care package to offset some of the cost? Worry not.  Click here / go to Tele-Consultation tab to have FREE 20 minutes tele-consultation with us.

5.  Request For Quotation

If you have went through our services in eCommerce and would like to inquire further, you may also click here or go to Get Quotation tab to receive Quotation from us.

Free Consultation
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Click Here to Request For Quotation


Do You Know That You Too Contribute to Social Impact?

Yes, you are.  It is when you purchase our services, you are contributing directly to our long-term social mission.


51% of Accumulated Profit goes to Social Mission in the form of subsidized healthcare for the targeted beneficiaries in Malaysia.   

30% of Gig Worker are Targeted Beneficiaries

One third of NENO gig worker are from targeted beneficiaries. They are empowered to become trained caregiver.  This way, they will be able to improve their life by getting income from providing the home caregiving or companionship service to the clients.

Service Location

NENO Service Location

Currently we are based in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

1.    Selangor

2.   Kuala Lumpur

3.   Putrajaya


Home Healthcare Solution

A platform that offers end-to-end home healthcare solution which includes services, training and products. 

Certified & Trained ​Provider

We matched you with certified and trained healthcare ​and social care providers within 15 km to 30 km of your locality.

Advanced Booking

We fulfill our services to you as early as 2 working days for Medicare and Therapy services and within 14 working days for Buddy services. 

Ala-Carte & Package

You will be able to make informed decision as we display our services and its rate in our e-Commerce. We can even customize your needs, ala-carte and in package.

Flexible Payment

Payment can also be made swiftly via online banking.  Deposit payment for confirmed booking followed by full or installment payment.

e-Healthcare Record

You will have access to invoices and receipts for each transaction made as well as electronic form of healthcare records by our healthcare and social care providers who had come to visit you.



Convenient way of getting care without having to leave your home or disrupt daily routine.

Save Time 

No need to hassle, no more of long queuing or in need of finding parking.

Save Cost

We help to eliminate the need for expensive hospital stays and other cost from delay in getting healthcare treatment. 


You know there are other people who can care for your loves one while you are needing of break / away.


Your loved ones get personalized treatment plans and payments are made easy to ease you financially.       


You contribute directly towards impact. 51% of the accumulated profit goes back to our Social Mission.

Survey and book our end-to-end mobile healthcare services in our eCommerce site.

Survey and book our end-to-end mobile healthcare services in our eCommerce site.



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